Sunday, November 21, 2010

3 am dreamers

in a state of confused delirium. the mirrors refelct back the insanity. no one knows what is happening, but they don't seem to mind. dreaming goes hand in hand with madness and imagination. the best dreams are sparked by nonsensical thoughts. are people oblivious to their lunacy or enlightened to the point of understanding?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

go melt back into the night

hide away under your pretending but remember that life should be lived. control is overrated. let life take you where you're going.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


one isn't a number of power, it's a number of unity. so why don't we work together? i mean, doesn't everyone want to be number one?

Friday, November 5, 2010


the moon shines brilliant spectrums of light down from an alien environment. yet, it makes life on earth the way it is. without tides what would we do? the moon simply creates synergy between everything we know and don't. phases change and allow observation of the everchanging beauty of a far off object. personally, i like the waxing gibbous..